
Friday 8 September 2017

Lock down

WALT: keep safe in our school.
I made a slide to show all the things I have to do to keep safe at school.
I found it hard to think about what i'm writing. I could add colour to my work.


Friday 25 August 2017

Bean Boozled

WALT: use our senses to describe what it felt like ,what it taste like, what it smelt like and what it looked like.

Bean boozled is jelly beans that are the
same colour but they're different flavours. One of them can be barf or peach and what ever flavour you get you have to eat it. If you don’t you lose, if you don’t know what they look like, look down,here. and my flavour was rotten egg but I ate it.

It felt yuck and it taste like rotten egg and it looked like a normal yum jelly bean that taste like strawberry but it smelt like rotten fish.

Friday 31 March 2017

Nau mai haere mai ki tēnei taonga, Ko te haerenga mātauranga

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